Section 10I(3) Search Notice
Control of Weapons Act 1990
The public place area depicted on the map overleaf has been declared in writing to be a "designated area" by an Assistant Commissioner of Police under s.10D or s.10E of the Control of Weapons Act 1990 (the Act).
That declaration is in place between Thursday 20th May 2021 2.00 PM and 2.00 AM on Friday 21st May 2021.
Police officers and protective services officers are empowered to search a person and any thing in the possession or control of the person, or a vehicle of weapons.
You, your vehicle or thing in your possession are in a public place within a designated area.
A police officer or protective services officer intends to conduct a limited search of you or your vehicles/things.
- You are requested to co-operate with that search;
- You may be requested to remove items of outer clothing such as headwear, scarves, jackets, etc;
- You may be searched using an electronic wand;
- You may be requested to remove items from any bags or pockets;
- You may be given a “pat down” search.
A police officer may also exercise their power under the Act to request you to remove any article covering your face or direct you to leave the designated area if you refuse to remove the face covering, or if the police officer reasonably believes that you intend to engage in conduct that would constitute an affray under s.195H, Crimes Act 1958 or violent disorder under s.195I,
Attention – Offence
It is an offence under the Act to:
- Obstruct or hinder a police officer or protective services officer in the exercise of a power to stop and search a person.
- Fail to comply with a direction given by a police officer to remove a face covering or to leave the designated area.

Declaration of designated area under s.10D or s.10E of the Control of Weapons Act 1990 a designated area containing:
All public places within the City of Wyndham that is within the area bounded by and including, the intersection of Kinglake Drive and Ballan Road, to the intersection of Kinglake Drive and Manor Lakes Boulevard, to the intersection of Manor Lakes Boulevard and Armstrong Road, to the intersection of Armstrong Road and Greens Road, to the intersection of Greens Road and Ballan Road, to the intersection of Ballan Road and Buckingham Drive, to the intersection of Buckingham Drive and Queensbury Way, to the intersection of Queensberry Way and Rowes Road, to the intersection of Rowes and Heaths Road, to the intersection of Heaths Road and Werribee River, to the North boundary of Presidents Park to the Intersection of McGrath Road, to the intersection of McGrath Road and Lady Penrhyn Drive, to the intersection of Lady Penrhyn Drive and Macquarie Drive, to the intersection of Macquarie Drive and Ballan Road, to the intersection of Ballan Road and Kinglake Drive. For the removal of doubt this area includes Manor Lakes Central Shopping Centre, Presidents Park, and Wyndham Vale Railway Station. (Road has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Road Safety Act 1986).